Friday 14 June 2013

Target Audience

My research shows that my target audience is, well, a little surprising, their sports choices (They actually have got sports they like) for teenagers is obviously football or none at all, but they have also chosen rugby and hockey as their favourite sports. Another surprising thing is the fact that they had difficulty choosing their favourite clothes brand, so I had to spend a while suggesting clothing brands, but it came to just being primark. Although the only unsurprising thing was their entainment choice, gaming. The main game styles chosen were; shooting games, fantasy and survival horror, which is very unsurprising for teenagers. Their foood choices were also very unsurprising, consisting mainly of fizzy drinks and unhealthy snack foods, also their main choices of film were comedy (Darker/Rock) which, for thier age group of 15-16. But my research was extremely biased as I only asked teenage boys, in the future I will definitely ask girls to have wider and far more accurate research.

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